Rose CG

Rose CG

Tips for Journaling

1 story

Rose CG

Rose CG

My Poet’s Path: Blog Your Own Book: BYOB Challenge Part 2

1 story

Images of finished writing projects & my cat KIKI
Rose CG

Rose CG

The Author's Circle

6 stories

Rose CG

Rose CG

Ninja Writers Community Writers

27 stories

a group of characters emerge from an open book, next to the cover of my book, Developing Characters. Above them, it says, yes! yes!
Red brick courthouse with two-story white pillars sits in the center of a typical small town square.
Rose CG

Rose CG

Publications for Parents And Teachers

2 stories

Rose CG

Rose CG

My Poet’s Path: Blog Your Own Book: BYOB Challenge Part 1

26 stories

images of writing projects, thank you post, and KIKI my cat
images of writing projects and my cat KIKI
images of my writing projects and my cat KIKI
Rose CG

Rose CG

Tips from Medium Writers

40 stories

Rose CG

Rose CG

Helpful Writing Ideas for New Writers

6 stories

a group of characters emerge from an open book, next to the cover of my book, Developing Characters. Above them, it says, yes! yes!
Rose CG

Rose CG

Daily Cuppa Grande Stories

15 stories

images of my writing projects and my cat KIKI
images of writing projects and my post
images of my writing projects and my cat KIKI
Rose CG

Rose CG

The Daily Cuppa

6 stories

images of writing projects and my post
images of my book project in yellow and green
Rose CG

Rose CG

Women's History Month and other moments in her-story!

1 story

Rose CG

Rose CG

My Blogging Your Own Book: Challenge Journey!

4 stories

images include some activities I have finished and my new posts
images of me and my writing projects and my cat KIKI
images of my book project in yellow and green
Rose CG

Rose CG

Stories that Inspire!

11 stories

3 kids in goggles underwater in the pool
Rose CG

Rose CG

Tips for Saving Money and Living Debt Free!

1 story

Rose CG

Rose CG

My BYOB: Blog Your Own Book 31-Days Challenge Journey!

47 stories

My BYOB book of poetry: yellow background in a pink color frame of a young girl in a vineyard and woman writing. sample book covers.
My BYOB book of poetry: pink background in a yellow color frame of a young girl in a vineyard.
My BYOB book of poetry: yellow background in a pink color frame of a young girl in a vineyard.
Rose CG

Rose CG


4 stories

images of me with my pets and a Valentine heart
Rose CG

Rose CG

Short Form and how to write it

2 stories

Rose CG

Rose CG

My Poetry: Nature A Way With Words

3 stories

A drawing of the man from my story wearing a knitted cap. (An image from my imagination.)
Rose CG

Rose CG

Newsletter Ideas to share

1 story

Rose CG

Rose CG

Health: The Information Share

6 stories

A black textured porcelain bowel filled with Kimchi. Kimchi is a spicy pickeld cabbage with other root vegetables.
Rose CG

Rose CG

Book Author

Rose C. G. is a poet, artist, storyteller, teacher and dreamer. Work is © Rose CG. (My posts may contain affiliate links, I may earn a commission.)