InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #70 🌹Review Your Heartfelt Events of 2023!🌹As this year fades into the proverbial sunset, it echoes with heartfelt memories. Like many writers, I find myself in the ebb and flow of…Dec 31, 20233Dec 31, 20233
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #69 🌹Take Time to Appreciate Your Progress!🌹In a constantly changing world, getting a grip on evaluating life goals is tough.Dec 29, 20231Dec 29, 20231
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #68 🌹Focus On Getting a Fresh Start!🌹Back in January, I wrote my first post for Positive Ideas in 2023. It launched as 31 Positive Ideas for 2023. By the end of January, I…Dec 28, 20231Dec 28, 20231
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #67 💗Keep the Spirit of Kindness!💗As a writer, I appreciate observing people.Dec 27, 20233Dec 27, 20233
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #66💗Building on Old Ideas Can Be Prosperous! 💗Dec 21, 20232Dec 21, 20232
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #65💗Steadfast Friends Are Like Shining Stars!💗Nov 25, 20233Nov 25, 20233
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #64Giving Can Teach You About Caring!💗Nov 23, 20234Nov 23, 20234
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #62Writing Doesn’t Need to be Perfect!💗Oct 14, 20235Oct 14, 20235
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #63Take Time to be Thankful!💗Nov 23, 20234Nov 23, 20234
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #60Is it time to get back into your boat? 💗Oct 2, 20231Oct 2, 20231
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #59 Celebrate Labor Day With Pride And Dignity!💗“All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.Sep 4, 2023Sep 4, 2023
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #58 Perseverance Builds Character!💗“Memories fade over time, but my sister isn’t a memory. She’s a part of me.” ~Michele MeleenSep 1, 20235Sep 1, 20235
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #57 What is the price of love?💗“The sorrow we feel when we lose a loved one is the price we pay to have had them in our lives.” ~Rob LianoAug 12, 20235Aug 12, 20235
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #56 Knee-Deep into Building Dreams!💗“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” ~ C. S. LewisAug 6, 20235Aug 6, 20235
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #55 Penny cents!💗Tis a well-spent penny that saves a groat. Benjamin FranklinJul 29, 20233Jul 29, 20233
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #54 Unconditional pet love!💗“…there are things you get from the silent, devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source.” ~Doris DayJul 20, 20232Jul 20, 20232
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #53 Bathrooms deserve a round of applause! 💗“Love is something that hangs up behind the bathroom door and smells of Lysol.” ~ Ernest HemingwayJul 14, 20232Jul 14, 20232
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #52 Give with joy! 💗“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” ~Martin Luther King, Jr.Jul 8, 20233Jul 8, 20233
InThe Daily CuppabyRose CGPositive Ideas for 2023: #51 Shall we dance?💗I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself. ~Mikhail BaryshnikovJul 2, 20233Jul 2, 20233